Triggers API

Triggers API#

Actions are taken by the agents in every timestep. The final action is implemented in an EnergyPlus actuator that must be defined inside the agent configuration. An agent can control more than one actuator.


action argument in agent definitions#

The action argument inside the AgentSpec is defined with help of the ActionSpec class:

from eprllib.Agent.AgentSpec import ActionSpec
from eprllib.ActionFuntions.ActionFuntions import ActionFunction
from eprllib.ActionFuntions.setpoin_control import discrete_dual_setpoint_and_availability

action = ActionSpec(
    actuators: List[Tuple[str,str,str]] = [ # (component_type, control_type, actuator_key)
        ("Schedule:Compact", "Schedule Value", "heating_setpoint"),
        ("Schedule:Compact", "Schedule Value", "cooling_setpoint"),
        ("Schedule:Constant", "Schedule Value", "HVAC_OnOff"),
    action_fn: ActionFunction = discrete_dual_setpoint_and_availability,
    action_fn_config: Dict[str, Any] = {
        'agent_name': "Setpoint_agent",
        'temperature_range': (18, 28),
        'actuator_for_cooling': ("Schedule:Compact", "Schedule Value", "cooling_setpoint"),
        'actuator_for_heating': ("Schedule:Compact", "Schedule Value", "heating_setpoint"),
        'availability_actuator': ("Schedule:Constant", "Schedule Value", "HVAC_OnOff"),

Action functions has a main rolle in eprllib. They give flexibility to the environment configuration throug three methods called in the simulation process:

from typing import Dict, Any, List
import gymnasium as gym
class ActionFunction:
    def __init__(self, action_fn_config: Dict[str,Any] = {}):
        self.action_fn_config = action_fn_config

    def get_action_space_dim(self) -> gym.Space:
        return NotImplementedError("This method should be implemented in the child class.")

    def agent_to_actuator_action(self, action: Any, actuators: List[str]) -> Dict[str,Any]:
        raise NotImplementedError("This method should be implemented in the child class.")

    def get_actuator_action(self, action:float|int, actuator: str) -> Any:
        return action

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