Agents connectors#
This module contains connectors for agents, which are responsible for combining and transforming agents’ observations to provide flexible configurations for communication between agents.
The module includes the following classes:
BaseConnector: The base class for creating connector functions.
DefaultConnector: Implements the default connector class that allows the combination of agents’ observations.
CentralizedConnector: Implements a centralized connector where a central agent takes the observations of all agents.
FullySharedParametersConnector: Implements a fully shared parameters policy for the observation function.
HierarchicalConnector: Implements a hierarchical connector with two levels of hierarchy.
IndependentConnector: Implements the default observation function where each agent has its own observation space.
These connectors are used to provide different configurations for multi-agent environments, enabling various communication and observation strategies.
Agents Connector Base Method |
Centralized Agents Connector |
Default Agents Connector |
Fully Shared Parameters Agents Connector |
Hierarchical Agents Connector |
Independent Agents Connector |