

Random Simple Building Episode#

The RandomSimpleBuildingEpisode class is a part of the EpisodeFunction module, which is responsible for defining the properties and configurations of a building episode. The class has the following main functionalities:

  1. Building Dimensions: The code generates random dimensions for the building, including height, width, and length, within a specified range. It also calculates the building area and aspect ratio based on these dimensions.

  2. Window Area Ratio: The code randomly assigns window area ratios for each side of the building (north, east, south, and west) within a specified range.

  3. Construction Materials: The code defines the properties of the construction materials used for the building’s walls, roof, and internal mass. These properties include thickness, conductivity, density, specific heat, thermal absorptance, and solar absorptance. The values for these properties are randomly generated within specified ranges.

  4. Window Properties: The code randomly assigns values for the window’s U-factor and solar heat gain coefficient within specified ranges.

  5. Internal Mass: The code randomly assigns surface areas for the internal mass components of the building.

  6. HVAC Capacity: The code randomly sets the maximum sensible heating and total cooling capacities for the HVAC system within specified ranges.

The code reads an initial EnergyPlus JSON (epJSON) file and modifies its properties based on the randomly generated values. This modified epJSON object can then be used to simulate the building’s energy performance using EnergyPlus.

It’s important to note that the code uses random number generation extensively to create variations in the building properties for each episode. This approach is likely used for training or testing purposes in the context of a reinforcement learning environment.

